
By American Heart Association News

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黑人女性在生育期间患无法控制的高血压的可能性是白人女性的两倍多, raising their risk for pregnancy-related complications, new research finds.

The analysis, 调查还显示,四分之一的黑人女性和三分之一的西班牙裔女性无法获得健康食品, was published Monday in a special Go Red for Women Spotlight issue of the Journal of the American Heart Association.

“考虑到高血压,食品不安全很重要,因为许多低成本食品(如罐装食品)的钠含量较高, ultra-processed and fast foods," senior study author Dr. Lara C. Kovell said in a news release. Kovell是伍斯特马萨诸塞大学陈医学院的心脏病专家. "Moreover, 其他研究表明,粮食不安全和无法获得健康食品会增加患高血压的风险."

Nearly 18% of U.S. women of childbearing age have high blood pressure, a problem that has been growing over the past decade, according to the 2019 National Center for Health Statistics. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to strokes and heart attacks, 以及妊娠相关的并发症如子痫和先兆子痫, which can be fatal.

Previous research has shown Black, 西班牙裔和亚裔女性患妊娠并发症和中风的风险更高. 患有妊娠高血压的黑人和西班牙裔女性的死亡率是白人女性的六倍.

In the new study, 研究人员分析了2001年至2018年参加全国健康与营养检查调查的育龄妇女的健康数据. The women, who were an average 36 years old, 被诊断为收缩压(“顶”)等于或高于140 mmHg,舒张压(“底”)等于或高于90 mmHg, or they self-reported a history of taking blood pressure medication. 在参与研究的1293名女性中,约59%是白人,23%是黑人,16%是西班牙裔,1%是女性.7% were Asian.

美国心脏协会(AHA)和美国心脏病学会(American College of Cardiology)将高血压定义为收缩压达到130或更高,舒张压达到80或更高,并且长期处于高位.

The women were asked questions about lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, smoking and alcohol consumption. Researchers also looked at social determinants of health, such as education, income, food security, homeownership, language, access to health care and health insurance.

他们的分析发现,黑人女性血压失控的可能性远远高于白人女性, 即使在调整了生活方式行为和健康的社会决定因素之后. 她们患高血压的可能性是白人女性的两倍多, and among those who knew they had it, 他们患未得到控制的血压的可能性是正常人的三倍.

与白人女性相比,亚洲女性更有可能患有无法控制的高血压,而且往往没有意识到这一点. 然而,在控制了健康的社会决定因素后,这种差距被消除了. 与白人女性相比,黑人和西班牙裔女性更有可能缺乏健康食品. Among Hispanic women, 32% reported food insecurity, compared to 25% of Black women and 13% of white women.

研究人员对黑人和西班牙裔妇女中普遍存在的食物不安全问题感到惊讶, lead study author Claire Meyerovitz said in the news release. “我们没有预料到在这个健康的社会决定因素中会出现如此严重的不平等," said Meyerovitz, a fourth-year medical student at UMass Chan.

"While our population of Asian women was small, 我们还惊讶地发现26%的亚洲育龄妇女不知道自己患有高血压, which was significantly more than white women at 14%," she said.

Kovell说,关于食品安全和医疗保健的问题应该包括在医院或诊所就诊的标准筛查问题中, "especially among pregnant women or women planning to become pregnant. 我们还有很多工作要做,以了解和扭转美国白人和黑人妇女之间孕产妇死亡率的差异.S."

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